FAQs & Shipping

Frequently Asked Questions

After placing my order, how long will it take for delivery?

1–2 weekdays from the moment it is shipped.

Can delivery be guaranteed to arrive on a certain day and time?

Usually, delivery commitment depends on the zip code destination. Boxes can sometimes be delayed in California due to agricultural inspection policies. FedEx delivers between 8:30 AM–5:30 PM. You can request priority service for an extra fee if your order needs to arrive before noon.

Do you ship to Canada?

Yes. We prefer to ship at the beginning of the week to avoid Customs delays. We must have a phone number of the recipient and someone must be present to accept the delivery.

Do you ship internationally?

Not at this time.

How long will the flowers last?

Tropicals normally last 5–7 days. Protea last for 10–14 days.

Are the flowers arranged?

Our Aloha Protea Baskets are arranged and ready for display. Our Gift Box assortments contain loose flowers and greenery that you arrange in your own vase.

Are care instructions included?

Yes. And, each box contains a color brochure featuring photos of flowers arranged in vases.

Can I substitute or add extra flowers to my order?

Sure. Additional flowers can be added for an additional amount.

What happens if no one is home to receive the delivery?

FedEx will leave your flowers at the door.

Shipping Information
  • ** All orders are shipped via FedEx Standard Service
  • ** Shipping charges are based on zip code destinations
  • ** Shipments requiring Priority or Saturday Delivery will be charged an extra $20.00
  • ** Address corrections required during shipment will be $10.00 extra

Please contact us before ordering if you need a speedy delivery, are ordering late, need a Monday, next day or A.M. delivery.

We cannot guarantee that orders sent out after Wednesday to California or Canada will arrive by Friday or Saturday due to restrictive agricultural and custom policies.

More Questions?

Drop us a line and we’d be happy to answer any questions!